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Experiment Post

Hello, welcome to my test post!

I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to create an experiment post or a page… so I made both! You’re currently on the post, but if you’d like to view the page instead please click here.

Both are different because I wanted to experiment and try multiple different things. I hope this doesn’t cause any issues with grading.

This post was created by using a free plugin called Copy & Delete Posts. This plugin allows for quick and easy duplication of posts.

In addition, the portfolio carousel below was also created using a plugin called Visual Portfolio. I changed some of the options so that the images are displayed in a random order, and I removed the option to “view more” because it wasn’t a fitting feature for the carousel.

Also, don’t forget – if you see any cool icons on this website, they were also added using an awesome plugin called Font Awesome! 🙂 < – isn’t the smiley face cute?

This is my Franken-Folio

because this portfolio is monstrously sick 😉

When you click on each of these posts, you can find the title or description of the subject, along with some accompanying text to describe or expand upon the piece.

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

if you find this little secret comment, send me a message through my contact form and I will buy you a pizza!
